Monday, February 7, 2011

global warming

Climate change, specifically global warming, has inspired more debate and action—personal, political and corporate—than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. Learn more about global warming and find out why everyone is talking about it.
There is now a critical mass of digital information resources that can be used to support researchers, learners, teachers and administrators in their work and study. The production of information is on the increase and ways to deal with this effectively are required.  There is the need to ensure that quality information isn’t lost amongst the masses of digital data created everyday. If we can continue to improve the management, interrogation and serving of ‘quality’ information there is huge potential to enhance knowledge creation across learning and research communities. The aim of the Information Environment is to help provide convenient access to resources for research and learning through the use of resource discovery and resource management tools and the development of better services and practice.  The Information Environment aims to allow discovery, access and use of resources for research and learning irrespective of their location.

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